In middle schools, students study 989 hours compared to 923 for the rest of the OECD.

Israel has has one of the highest average hours of teaching in elementary schools, with 938 hours per year compared to 807 for other countries.

On average, elementary school students learn 214 days a year compared to an OECD average of 186, middle schoolers learn 205 days compared to 184 for the OECD, and high schools study 194 days compared to the OECD average of 182. In 2018 it was 6.1%, third on the OECD list, behind Norway and Iceland.
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On the plus side, Israel dedicates proportionately more of its GDP to education than other countries. Illustrative: The entrance to the Paula Rehavia school in Jerusalem, after it was closed due to coronavirus infections, May 31, 2020. Israel’s elementary schools were closed for 52 days compared to an average of 58 for the OECD, while kindergartens were closed for 36 days compared to 43 for the rest of the OECD. In middle schools, there was an average of 93 closure days compared to only 65 for the other countries. The coronavirus outbreak hit Israel especially hard, with high schools closed for an average of 76 days in 2020 compared to an average of 70 for the rest of the OECD, according to the report. The number of students per class was especially relevant during the coronavirus outbreak, when each infected student would send all of their classmates into quarantine. Teachers’ salaries “influence decisions to enroll in teacher education, to become a teacher after graduation, to return to the teaching profession after a career interruption and whether to remain a teacher,” the OECD said. However, middle school principals earn less, with $71,852 compared to an average of $74,419 in the OECD. Elementary and high school teachers earn $73,483 and $83,049, respectively, compared to an OECD average of $68,794 and $79,033. In contrast, school principals in Israel earn more than the OECD average. Preschool teachers fared better than the OECD average, earning $50,605 compared to $40,707. Middle school teachers earn $44,754 compared to $47,988, while high school teachers earn $47,706 compared to $51,749. Israeli elementary and middle school teachers earn less than their peers, when their salaries are compared using a purchasing power scale that converts earnings in all countries to US dollars.Įlementary school teachers earn $41,952 per year in Israel compared to $45,687 for the OECD average. A kindergarten teacher seen at the ‘Kobi kindergarden’ in Moshav Yashresh, on February 8, 2021.